The Ryder Albania Association (SHRA), started its activity in 1993 in Tirana and in 1996 in Durrës, as a free home assistance service (medical, psychological and social economic) for terminal cancer patients and older people with chronic diseases, with the support of Sue Ryder Care in Great Britain.
In 2000, SHRA, in cooperation with other actors in the field, founded the Albanian Association of Palliative Care, as an umbrella association to advocate and lobby for the integration of palliative care into the public health care system and protect the rights of terminal patients and their family members.
In the years 2003 – 2008 SHRA, in partnership with Sue Ryder UK, Sue Ryder Ireland and the Foundation “Open Society for Albania” established the first Hospice in the country, as a specialized service with beds for terminal patients.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Health (today the Ministry of Health and Social Protection) and other organizations operating in the field of palliative care, SHRA has contributed to the drafting of a series of important documents for integration and development of palliative service in the public health care system.
Some of the main achievements are: the drafting and adoption of the palliative care law (2014) and by-laws, palliative care action plans, service standards, clinical protocols, guidelines for delivery of care, training manuals, publication of some texts in the Albanian language for professionals and the general public, etc.
In the period 2014 – 2016, SHRA in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the support of the “Open Society for Albania” foundation has engaged and contributed to the opening of palliative care units near 9 regional hospitals.
SHRA has also played an important role in building the capacities of health professionals (doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists) in the field of palliative care. To date, more than 1,000 professionals have been trained, both in primary and secondary service.
From 2018 and currently with the support of “Hospices of Hope” in Great Britain, it became possible to develop and strengthen the existing service as well as expand the outpatient service for patients suffering from life-threatening diseases for life and elderly people with chronic diseases.
For the first time, in 2021, SHRA in partnership with the Municipality of Tirana laid the foundations of a residential service for the elderly who are lonely and in need, a service which is currently being supported by IPA funds of the European Commission.
“Kujdesi që lehtëson jetën.”
“Misioni ynë është të rrisim cilësinë e jetës së pacientëve terminalë me kancer dhe të të moshuarve me sëmundje kronike, nëpërmjet ofrimit të një kujdesi cilësor shëndetësor dhe psikosocial, në banesë dhe në qendër, nga një staf i specializuar, i motivuar me vlera të larta profesionale dhe morale.”