Facts and figures

During 2022 in Tirana:

  • 455 patients with cancer have benefited from home service, respectively: 194 women and 261 men; 327 from urban areas and 128 from rural areas; 367 patients over 61 years old, 72 aged 46-60 years, 15 patients aged 26 – 45 years old and 1 patient in the age group under 25 years old.  
  • The most frequent diagnoses during this year have been lung cancer (74 cases) stomach cancer ( 44 cases), breast cancer (43 cases), kidney and urinary tract cancer (24), chronic illnesses (264 cases) and the rest of the patients have various other diagnoses.
  • 125 out of 455 patients needed wound treatments. Pain as the most common symptom of terminal patients results as follows: 92 patients reported severe pain; 168 reported severe pain; 180 patients reported moderate pain and only 15 patients were pain free but with other symptoms that need to be addressed.
  • From January to December, doctors made 2,288 home visits; meanwhile nurses performed 4,977 home visits. 1,607 visits were conducted in the rural area and 3,398 in the urban area. The team made 6,772 phone calls with patients and relatives, including weekends.
  • Both teams in Tirana and Durrës have made 208 home visits for patients who are not registered, but for some needs it is service requested.
  • 315 patients have been supported with comfort equipment such as chairs, anti-decubitus mattresses, etc.
  • 2,461 patients have been supported with counseling for the diet and colon.