"Pink October"

“Women are not born strong; they are made by the storms they endure. “ The international campaign “Pink October” is an awareness and solidarity initiative for all women, especially those facing the great challenge of fighting breast cancer. Ryder Albania joined the “E Re” middle school in the city of Durrës to celebrate October as the month of solidarity and …

"Early Diagnosis Saves Lives."

“Early diagnosis saves lives.”This was the theme of today’s awareness meeting, organized by the Durrës Local Health Care Unit in collaboration with representatives from the Rrashbull Multifunctional Community Center and Ryder Albania, as part of Pink October (the global breast cancer awareness month).The meeting was held with women and girls from the surrounding community. They were informed on the topic …

World Palliative Care and Hospice Day

Every year, on October 12th, we celebrate World Palliative Care and Hospice Day, and this year marks the 10th anniversary of the World Health Assembly’s resolution on palliative care, which calls for strengthening this care within health systems. The theme for this year is “Ten Years of the Resolution: How Far Have We Come?”, highlighting the need to address gaps …

Workshop: "The situation of palliative care in the country, the challenges of patients in need and the importance of using opiates for physical pain relief".

Representatives of the Ryder Albania Association participated in the international Workshop: “The situation of palliative care in the country, the challenges of patients in need and the importance of the use of opiates for physical pain relief”, where key issues related to palliative care were discussed. An in-depth analysis of the current challenges facing patients and health professionals in this …

The importance of caring for the elderly

Representatives of our organization had the opportunity to participate in an interview where they spoke about the importance of caring for the elderly. During the conversation, they shared information on the services we offer to this precious group, emphasizing the need for quality support and care. We believe that every person deserves to feel valued and have access to the …

World Elderly Day

Today we celebrate the World Day of the Elderly! This is a moment to honor and appreciate all those who have gone before us and who have contributed their valuable experiences to our society. It was a wonderful day, full of smiles, games, music, beautiful memories and special moments together. We want to repeat these moments in the future. Together …